EdwardEstlinCummings better know as e.e. cummings (''In days of yore, before wikis, he selected an unlinkable name. Ahead of his time.''). 1913-1962. A great American poet, he also invented InnerClass''''''es as in (format changes for Wiki): 1(a le af fa ll s) one ''So, no one before e.e. cummings used a parenthetical expression?'' ---- I like the way his poems who knows if the moon's a balloon,coming out of a keen city in the sky--filled with pretty people? (and if you and i should get into it,if they should take me and take you into their balloon, why then we'd go up higher with all the pretty people than houses and steeples and clouds: go sailing away and away sailing into a keen city which nobody's ever visited,where always it's Spring)and everyone's in love and flowers pick themselves do that. --DavidPorter ---- From the poem ''you shall above all things be glad and young''... I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance ---- His name is NotWikiCompatible. ---- CategoryAuthor