An implementation of the EightQueensProblem in RubyLanguage This code contains some methods (valid? and to_s) that aren't needed to solve the original problem, but they were written purely to allow my unit tests to work. The code also allows the generation of a solution from a partially completed board. ---- class Queen attr_reader :x,:y def initialize(x,y) @x,@y = x,y end def moveTo? (x,y) @x == x || @y == y || (@x - x).abs == (@y - y).abs end end class Board attr_reader :queens def initialize(string = ('.'*8 + ' ')*8) cells = string.split.collect{ |x| x.split(//) } raise "Board must be 8x8" unless cells.size == 8 @queens = [] cells.each_with_index { |row, y| raise "Board must be 8x8" unless row.size == 8 row.each_with_index { |cell, x| @queens <<,y) if cell == 'Q' } } end def solve cells = [] 8.times { |x| 8.times { |y| cells << [x,y] if not @queens.any? { |q| q.moveTo? x,y } } } newQueens = create_queens(8 - @queens.size, cells) raise "Cannot fit 8 queens on this board" if not newQueens @queens += newQueens end def create_queens(number, cells) return [] if number == 0 cells = cells.sort_by { rand } cells.each { |cell| newQueen =*cell) moreQueens = create_queens(number - 1, { |c| !newQueen.moveTo? *c }) return [newQueen] + moreQueens if moreQueens } nil end private :create_queens def valid? @queens.all? { |q1| @queens.all? { |q2| q1 == q2 or !q1.moveTo?(q2.x, q2.y) } } end def to_s out = '' 8.times { |y| 8.times { |x| if @queens.any? { |q| q.x == x and q.y == y } out << 'Q' else out << '.' end } out << "\n" } out end end require 'test/unit' class Test8Queens < Test::Unit::TestCase def testMoveTo queen =,4) hits = [] 8.times { |y| hits << [y,4] hits << [4,y] hits << [y,y] } hits += [[7,1],[6,2],[5,3],[3,5],[2,6],[1,7]] 8.times { |x| 8.times { |y| if hits.include? [x,y] assert queen.moveTo?(x,y) else assert !queen.moveTo?(x,y) end } } end def testSolution board =<<-END_OF_STRING Q....... ....Q... .......Q .....Q.. ..Q..... ......Q. .Q...... ...Q.... END_OF_STRING ) assert_equal(8, board.queens.size) assert board.valid? end def testNotSolution board =<<-END_OF_STRING Q....... .Q...... .......Q .....Q.. ..Q..... ......Q. .Q...... ...Q.... END_OF_STRING ) assert_equal(8, board.queens.size) assert !board.valid? end def testManySolves 100.times { board = board.solve assert_equal(8, board.queens.size) assert(board.valid?) } end end ---- Another shorter version of the eight queens problem -- limited in its functionality; for instance, gives only one solution. A stumbling on the solution algorithm. -- SaiMattancheril def findSol psn = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] until validPosition(psn) psn = psn.sort_by {rand} # shuffle end arrprint psn end def validPosition(psn) (0..6).each { |row| ((row+1)..7).each { |col| if (row - col).abs == (psn[row] - psn[col]).abs return false end } } true end def arrprint(arr) print "[" ch = 'a' arr.each { |itm| print ch, itm, " "; ch =} print "]" end findSol