'''Here are three also found in DistributionIdioms''' * EncapsulateObtainingReferences * LimitParametersForEjbCreates * UseDataTransferObjects '''I used this idiom more than 8 times in my thesis''' * ClientViewOfEjb '''I am not sure If I should place this under EjbDesignPatterns or under EjbIdioms''' * StatefulSessionBeanWrapsStatelessSessionFacades '''Some Idioms for StatefulSessionBeans''' * ProgressBarBean '''UrbanCode EjbBenchmark''' The design idioms covered by the benchmark are: * FineGrainedEntityBean (FGE)-often used by beginners to EnterpriseJavaBeans * CoarseGrainedEntityBean (CGE)-the best performing Entity Bean idiom typically used in practice * CoarseGrainedContainerManagedEntityBean (CGCME)- touted as faster then Bean Managed Persistent Entity Beans * OptimizedEntityBean (OE)- the best performing contender that still uses Entity Beans * SessionoverEntityBean (SE)-typically advanced as a "best practice" in trade media * CoarseGrainedSessionBeans (CGS)-the proposed best performer External Link http://www.urbancode.com/projects/ejbbenchmark/idioms.jsp There is a chapter on idioms in EjbDesignPatternsBook. Please add any that you think of, and feel free to refactor the groupings. --------- See EjbLinks, EjbRoadmap, UrbanCode CategoryIndex CategoryEjb