EmotionalIntelligence is a topic of intense interest since the 1990 work of Mayer et al. It became a popular media topic after the 1995 book by Daniel Goleman of the same name. Corporations in US were quick to pick up on the NextBigThing, and Daniels "Harvard BS" article became a hotly requested item. As Daniel appear to be an accomplished publicist and a prolific author, I have created a separate page named SocialIntelligence to explore the SocialDynamics of EI in an organisation, sans the religious aspects. Overtime hopefully we can have better knowledge about ourselves, our limitations and become more enlightened. ---- '''The book that started the controversies''' ''Emotional Intelligence'' by Daniel Goleman 1995 http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0553375067.01._PI_SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg [ISBN: 0553375067] A critical review of his work appeared * http://web.archive.org/web/20030922094007/http://www.siop.org/tip/Oct03/16daus.htm ** suggests the use of Multifactor Emotional Intelligence Scale (MEIS) as a measure of emotional ability ** maybe we can add "use of wiki" to that list, HaHaOnlySerious Sourced from EQ information site * http://eqi.org/gole.htm A different source suggesting Daniel has been overly optimistic in his statements. * http://www.unh.edu/emotional_intelligence/eicontroversy1a.htm ---- '''The Landscape of Emotional Intelligence''' ''Salovey / Mayer'' * developed various measures for quantification of EmotionalIntelligence starting in 1990 ''Reuven Bar-On'' * view SocialIntelligence as more RelationshipManagement, whereas EmotionalIntelligence is more SelfManagement "The Emotionally Intelligent Workplace" [ISBN 0787956902]'' ?2002 by Daniel Coleman * book suggests compatible models share common domains ** self awareness ** self management ** social awareness ** relationship management ---- '''Why is it important ''' http://www.eiconsortium.org/research/what_is_emotional_intelligence.htm ---- '''Four branch model of EmotionalIntelligence''' JD Mayer classifications are: * accurately perceive emotions in oneself and others * use emotions to facilitate thinking * understand emotional meanings, and * manage emotions http://www.unh.edu/emotional_intelligence/eiemotint2.htm ---- CategoryBook