'''Introduction''' I am an internship student working in Mitel Corporation, Ottawa, Canada (http://www.mitel.com), I work in a Java project group which uses Java, DesignPattern and CORBA architecture extensively. I learn new knowledges constantly and get better working experiences throughout my internship, I appreciate my university (AcadiaUniversity) in providing this COOP/Internship program for all science students to work in companies prior their graduation. '''Hobbies and Interests''' ''Hobbies'': *''Biking'' *''Camping'' *''Travelling'' *''Stamp Collecting'' ''Interests'' My major interests are designing interactive applications in Java, such as, video conferencing, computer-telephony intergrate applications, etc. I attended the SIGS Conference for Java Developers in Sept 7 till Sept 10, 97 as a Student Volunteer, as I could not afford to pay US 1300 by myself. I am still a poor student :( In these 4-day conference, I attended several technical sessions, such as * DesignPattern * CORBA * RMI * JDBC One of the DesignPattern sesssion was given by Dr. Cunningham, he explained various design patterns, such as the * Factory * Singleton * Interpreter I can foresee the brightness of Java programming world. ---- CategoryHomePage