UniversalParticipation (as one of the SingularitarianWikiPrinciples) allows any capable programmer to alter, hopefully improve the underlying WikiEngine of the WikiForum in which the programmer is active. -- FridemarPache A fully programmable engine would allow users (editors) much more control over the information presented, to the extent possibly even of making it completely unreadable (trivial example: white text on white background). How could editing access be moderated? * Permission could be given by a voting module. But first the new modification should be presented on a WikiEngineSandbox -- fp * The "white lettering problem" could be resolved with a minimum of friction by integrating a private local profile-file, controlling the local appearance for each user -- fp * SmartWikizen''''''s (the inhabitants of a SmartWiki) must learn new levels of acting with sensibility in a much more sensible environment. Otherwise they eliminate themselves. -- fp ---- Wikis as forums with ContentEditableByAll may still shock many people in the Web who experience them for the first time. SmartWiki''''''s qualify for upstepping in the FutureShockLevels. I bet, in five years, there are a lot of them, populated by friendly humans (at the same compatibility level as in this forum) accommodating themselves to the next future shock. -- fp