Software or hardware that compels the user to spend more time tweaking, configuring, adding-on, and generally serving the machine than they do actually using it. This includes: * a notorious proprietary operating system that requires regular yearly outlays of time and money. And the CPU manufacturer it rode in on. * LinuxDistribution''''''s that never work when installed but entail nights and weekends of searching, downloading, combining and tweaking packages. * hardware manufacturers that advertise "plug and play" but don't have the drivers ready for your OS revision. * the many open source programmers that HelpSourceForgeSuck. * just about any Unix WindowManager. Here's another: an editor (with its own wiki, even!) with version numbers past the teens that buries its (estimate) 1500 preferences, but includes a Rogerian psychotherapist to help you deal with the sheer overload of knobs to tweak. ''Could you be referring to MicrosoftWord?'' [No, Emacs; the comment was literal in all respects, not satirical (aside from some hyperbole about intentions). Emacs is a much larger phenomenon than non-users could possibly imagine -- speaking as a vi user.] ''Not sure that this one qualifies, as EmacsEditor is actually '''useful''' out of the box, unlike the other examples above.'' Speaking as an Emacs user, I have found Vim to be more useful straight out of the box...