An application that acts as an EJB container, enable clients to interact with EnterpriseJavaBeans. Commonly associated with the idea of an ApplicationServer, although EJB is not itself sufficient to provide a WebApplication. ---- List of open source EJB servers: *** ----- Known ones, in alphabetical order, seem to be: * AtgDynamo * CICS - see WebSphere * EnhydraEjb * GemStonej * InpriseAppServer * IonaIportal * JOnAS * JRun * JbossServer * OrCAS Enterprise Server * OrionServer * Pramati * SunIplanet * PowerTier for EJB * SilverStream * Sybase Enterprise Application Server (EA Server) * Total-e-Server * WebLogic * WebSphere ---- Is VersataLogicServer a EJB? No, the VLS is not an EJB Server, but it can can be hosted on WebSphere. --KyleBrown How does one go about PickingAnEjbServer? ----- See EjbLinks ---- CategoryEjb