Evolution is the progressive growth and ramification of Trees (and Webs), often though some kind of selection process. The best understood case is, of course, biological evolution but the process undergirds everything we do and everything we are (physically and virtually, species, artifacts, language, culture, software, etc.). Evolution = variation + selection * Evolution itself is "change over time". I believe you are defining natural selection (and/or artificial selection), which is a sub-class of "evolution". -top Because the roots and branches of evolution are often hidden beneath the surface of what we can easily see, the existence and importance of the process is often obscured. Darwin's breakthrough is only 150 years old and the biological sciences are still reeling. The sciences of the artificial and the commonplace are only beginning to catch on (e.g., GeneticAlgorithm''''''s). I think visualization of the growth, development, and structure of evolving system is one of the great scientific opportunities of our era, and it occurred to me today that this wiki and this community could make a real contribution while reaping immediate benefits (and having great fun). Please see my contribution to VisualizeTheWiki, and let me know what you think. -- JonSchull Is there still interest in this project? Well, I'm still interested! -- Jon Schull Feb04 It's an interesting topic; what does the call for participation mean, exactly? -- DougMerritt One might participate by showing that Evolution of this Wiki, or any other evolving system, can occur, that the guidance and adaptation will develop in a system in anarchy and can develop and establish an ordered, self-sustaining and self-organized existence dealing effectively with external threats to its existence. Illustrate by giving examples of how and when the self-organization occurs. Illustrate further how the system acquires or builds or otherwise forms such methods as to change structure and operation, adapting by occurrences which happen randomly or accidentally. ---- CategoryWiki CategoryEvolution