Just to be really clear, the following discourse is really old, and no longer particularly relevant. -- AdamSpiers Those looking for a Perl xUnit framework might also be interested in the [http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Class/] module. It's more integrated into the Test::Harness / Test::Builder testing framework so you can use most of Perl's many testing modules with it. ----- I coded a first cut at PerlUnit, but it needs to be tested and extended. My reason for posting, is in case someone else is doing the same thing. IMHO, a merged program is better than multiple versions chasing each other over the internet. -- CayteLindner ---- ''(OK, PerlUnit is not really there yet; but we'd like to encourage the effort. ;-)'' ftp://bio.perl.org/pub/katel/UnitTests/ See also: TestingFramework http://www.xprogramming.com/software.htm ftp://www.armaties.com/ftp/TestingFramework/Perl/UnitTests.ZIP ''-- for "PerlUnit???"'' ---- Question: How is this different from the Perl's Test.pm module? -- PeteBevin Test.pm doesn't even attempt to solve the TestIsolation problem. This is extremely irritating, and in fact when I hacked in Perl and was using Test.pm I had to wrap all my tests in a giant eval {} block to make sure the database got cleaned out. -- GrahamHughes ---- The code mentioned above should only be downloaded from the bio.perl.org address, the others have old code, which needed the bioperl distro. There is another effort, listed here: http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/Test/Test-Unit-0.06.readme by ChristianLemburg. It Would Be Nice If the Test::Unit was integrated better with Test::Harness (the latter being the one you get when building a perl package and doing make test). This could be done by creating an adapter class, with an import method like this: package Test::Adapter; sub import { die "test adapter needs two numbers" unless @_==2; print shift."..".shift."\n"; } # platform specific code below. leading path may need remove in real life my $suite=$0; $suite=~s/\.t$//; # trailing t for Makefile.PL removed. eval <