'''A list of XP related starting points and conversations on Wiki.''' ---- '''Fun''' XpHaiku '''What Is XP''' XpVersusHacking WhatMakesSoftwareFlexible '''Learning XP''' ExtremeProgrammingInTheClassroom TeachingXp StartingWithExtremeProgramming ExtremeMethodology ExtremePayoff: only short term? only long term? or both? This page discusses the payoffs of adopting the XP way. ExtremeThinking '''Critiquing XP''' EdgeOfChaos EmbeddedExtremeProgramming ReactiveDevelopment (a parody) ExtremeProgrammingGotMeFired! Why is there no PairCoaching practice in XP? --HaskoHeinecke '''Finding more XP pages''' CategoryExtremeProgramming '''Discussions outside Ward's Wiki''' ExtremeProgrammingLinksOutsideWiki '''Criticism of XP concepts''' XpIsForBadPlanners SoftwareDevelopmentIsGambling DecisionMathAndYagni ---- In TurnAllTheKnobsToSeven, it's suggested that perhaps a good way of ScalingExtremeProgramming would be to be more moderate in the practices. Perhaps this is thinking too much along a continuum. When I come across situations like these, I try to ThinkSideways. For example, perhaps ScalingExtremeProgramming can be achieved with a DivideAndConquer technique. A large project can be split into several smaller XP projects where the customers are played by feature leads. The feature leads in turn answer to the real customer. Subdividing until you get to reasonably sized XP projects seems feasible at least in theory. -- RobHarwood ''(EditHint: Feel free to reword this, it's a bit of an embryonic idea.)''