The holiday season (which currently runs from Labor Day through the first weekend of January) is intended to be a time of peace, joy, and good fellowship. In practice, though, it is too often a time of stress, excess, and manic activity. ExtremeXmas (XX) is a pattern language to help manage the holiday parties, for both host and guest. Below are brief descriptions of the XX patterns: * '''Stand Up Feeding''': Afraid your guests will never leave? Hide your chairs. * '''Hair Programming''': Getting a permanent or a short, simple cut before the holidays can save a lot of valuable preparation time. * '''Unit Fests''': Avoid mixing social friends with co-workers. Have separate, smaller parties for each. * '''Contractor Mercilessly''': Consider hiring a caterer for your party, a decorator for your home, a shopper for your business gifts. It's money well spent if it's the only way to stay sane. * '''Do The Simplest Thing You Can't Possibly Shirk''': Beware of agreeing to help with the office party. Never sign up to bring the turkey when they still need more paper plates. * '''You Aren't Gonna Knead It''': Home-made stoellen? Fruitcake from Grandma's old recipe? Get serious! Don't exhaust yourself baking seasonal treats at home; buy them at a good local bakery. * '''Ounce And Only Once''': A hangover may be a badge of honor for a college student, but everyone who isn't immortal should drink only in moderation. And use a light hand when flavoring that eggnog. * '''Accuser Stories''': Sure, gossip is fun, but is it really in keeping with the spirit of the season? Steer conversations to less prurient topics, and a better time will be had by all. * '''The Tanning Game''': Avoid the hassles altogether. Spend the holidays in the Caribbean. Finally: * '''They're Just Fools''': Yes, everyone else is embarrassed by the behavior at their family get-togethers, too. Learn to let it go.