One of the DistributedTeamPatterns. It's frequently useful to have selected team members (''not'' just managers) fly to each other's site to meet FaceToFaceRegularly. This has the following advantages: * Team members can get to know their colleauges better; rather than just being a voice on the phone or a face on the videoconference. Neither can replace true FaceTime. * Team members can learn about the environmental and work conditions at the other site. Many "satellite" offices aren't as well equipped as the main office. If you practice this pattern, a few recommendations. * Travel should be bi-directional; not just the satellite offices visiting the home office (if such an arrangement exists). * Visiting workers should be provided with (workplace) accomodations similar to what other workers (of equal rank or station) at that site enjoy. If the locals get a cubicle with their own phone line and desk, so should the visitors. If, OTOH, all developers work at a common bench loaded with computers, so should the visitors. * Respect the wishes of employees who prefer not to travel, especially to foreign countries. Some folks are better dealing with CultureShock than others.