Project Teams are the basic unit of organization for FlatClusterDevelopment * A team consists of one or more developers who have decided to work on a project made available by the Scout Team. A Project Advocate must endorse the formation of the new team. * To join a Project Team, a petition is made, and all existing members of the Project Team must make a unanimous vote for election. * A person may leave the team at any time they choose. Re-entry into the team after leaving requires petition and voting. * The team must at all times have a Project Advocate, and a Project Leader. They are elected by vote of the team members and serve a term of two weeks before the next vote is placed. It is perfectly acceptable for the same person to hold the position for several terms in a row. Candidates for the Project Advocate must be chosen from a Scout Team. Candidates for the Project Leader must be chosen from the membership of the Project Team. A Project Advocate or Project Leader may not be elected against his/her will, and may resign from his/her position at any time (doing so would require an immediate election to fill this position.) * While the Project Advocate serves his/her term with the Project Team, he/she is considered to be a member of the team, and may participate in the voting process. However, the Project Advocate is not eligible as a candidate for Project Leader. * A Project Team, upon conclusion of a project, remains intact and may seek endorsement to begin another Project. Maintaining the completed project remains a priority of the team. The team may split into two Project Teams if the Maintenance of a completed Project requires a dedicated team.