One of the Engrish phrases in the AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs video/the video game "Zero Wing" intro. Exaggeration for ironic effect-you are not merely doing what you do for justice of any normal quantity. What you are attempting will dispense "Great Justice", justice at a much higher level than previously attempted. To be announced when deleting any random, pseudo-profound song quotes. A perfect example of not doing useless things. ''Caution is to be advised here, folks. Lots of us Old Farts use "pseudo-profound song quotes" as punctuation to meaningful discussions. To delete such idiomatic references is to invite WikiFire.'' Isn't this just a sign of respect of justice? Like "in the name of Great Being..." Perhaps in Japanese it would sound better. ---- Which is it, folks -- CategoryIdiom or CategoryJargon? (Perhaps the WikiGnome''''''s will someday merge the two)