This might more appropriately be titled "MarriageGuidanceCounsellor". 1) Recognise that differences of opinion within a team are an asset, not a liability. No one person is ever the sole source of truth. 2) Differences of opinion become dysfunctional when they are not resolved. 3) When warring factions emerge, bring the individual chief protagonists together for marriage guidance counselling. Ask person "A" - "explain your position" ("B" must remain silent). Now ditto for person "B". Ask person "A" - "what would it take to convince you that person "B" is right. That is, what FACTS - not opinions - would you need. Rod Taylor, 29 July 2002 Ditto for person "B". 4) You now have an agreed framework with which you can resolve the differences. Go to it. (last edited July 28, 2002) ---- CategoryLeadershipPatterns