Software Engineer working in Scotland. Currently learning about practical scientific method: I need to write a report on how to "upgrade" our software. This software is Offshore Survey Software. This software is run on a boat, gets data from a Remotely Operated Vehicle (a kind of remotely operated tethered submarine without any human in it), processes the data, reports on the data to the final user (charts of the bottom of the sea, three-dimensional models of the seabed, listings, anomaly reports, pipeline and subsea structures integrity and anomaly reports, etc...). I have not found yet any public report reviewing available survey software. Therefore I will spend some time: 1. learning how to conduct a scientific study on "software upgrade" 2. apply XP methods (and general software engineering) 3. conduct a survey of "Survey Software", to determine whether we should BuildDontBuy or BuyDontBuild 4. find out if there is any AmeliorationPattern that we could apply to our existing software 5. develop an AgileProcess for our business and our software development team ---- electronic mailbox: fgenolini at hot mail dot com ---- CategoryHomePage