* ''Frank, AreYouThere?'' * ''August 26, 2006; last edited September 12, 2005.'' * ''Few BackLink''''''s.'' ---- The ultimate AbstractMachine that drives FrankBueltge is set in motion by MediaStudies and CognitiveScience. ---- Some people could say that Frank Bültge is a warm-hearted, incredibly gifted young mind approaching his best years. Others might ask: Frank Bültge, who's that? Both turn out to be the same. In our contemporary world of compromised values and fragmentary, constructed identities, there are simply no real means by which it would be possible to signify a real human being. Thus, to ask "Who is that?" already reveals what any delirious story would do. Nevertheless, if there was something like a real world, he would definitely be one of the good guys. contributed by DennisMischke ---- CategoryHomePage