Interesting concept of a free site using a ZopeApplicationServer product. Wonder if they host wikis. ---- Window Problems * Why does it have a small, unresizeable window onto a page? It's tiny on my screen, bordering on unusable, and I can't see how to resize it. ** It's just a frameset. Very 1997. * So, like, can I change it so it's usable? ** This is just the home page, watch some hosted pages. Pythagoras1 ---- All right, well I tested out freezope, and I have a few issues with it. 1. The interface is inside of freezope. You can't create any semblance of independance. If this doesn't bother you, it might not be too bad for you. 2. You don't get the free subdomain the promise you. They say that "if you sign up as 'zopegeek', your wiki will be at ''. Only problem is, it's not. I give it a 6 out of 10. ---- Check again, as things may not be what they seemed, or they may have changed. I just signed up for a site named ossgov and got '' OK, so www. protocol specifier is in the string, but I wouldn't call that a material deviation. Cheers - 7:48 AM EST 4/6/2005