A collection of images from the Apollo lunar missions by Michael Light ISBN: 0375406344 http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0375406344.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg The companion website conveys the the quality of the images and the style of the presentation. The ''voyage'' is worth the effort of downloading shockwave. * http://www.projectfullmoon.com/ ---- A friend bought me a copy of this last week, and I've been entranced every day since. Light had unprecedented access to NASA's miles of master negatives, and has edited out a hundred or so images. Some of them are intensely moving: the lander way off in the distance, the rover, the guy in the suit so far from home and so very alone. Not only are the human artifacts the only artificial objects in the pictures, they are also often the only coloured objects, which makes them seem especially isolated and vulnerable. Maybe we, as a species, went to the Moon for the wrong reasons ('though that must mean that we ''stopped'' for the wrong reasons, too), but, by god, one look at these pictures...we should go back, ''right now''. These pictures should be wheeled out in front of every NASA funding committee meeting, they are an irrefutable answer to the question: why spend money on space exploration? Because you get ''this!'' -- KeithBraithwaite ------------ See also PaleBlueDot The Apollo 11 30th Anniversary Site has many fine images including high resolution versions of some. * http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/ap11ann/ ---- But as any fule no, it was all a hoax! * Yea, right. In that case explain to me why the dust kicked up when the astronauts were moving fell in perfect parabolic arcs and didn't "dust up". ---- CategoryBook