Original wiki usage of this phrase was in the CowboyCoding page to refer to a group of cowboys working together. ''It is inappropriately disparaging to companies that had to start in a garage-like place, where the workers may not be cowboys. I do some work in a basement, and yet we don't just cowboy through everything.'' Did AppleComputer count as a garage shop enterprise? Did HewlettPackard? If they were, at what point did they cross over to become "respectable"? ''Is Apple respectable again? I guess the iMac did it. Thankfully.'' ----- From CowboyCoding: : Here again, some cowboys hang out together, often forming GarageShopEnterprises, sometimes, though rarely, with outstanding results. Apple might be an example. ---- See also DevelopmentTeamModels ---- Sony where also originally a backyard enterprise in Tokyo after World War II.