''"General freedom combines all freedoms with the aim to be major free."'' -- In short, cost and speech both affect "general freedom". One might gather from other licenses that cost is rarely an issue, and that speech is the main concern. GeneralFreedom states that free cost and free speech are both issues, and usually both big issues. General Freedom wants free cost and free speech together, since general freedom believes that both are very connected. Other licenses may differ and state that they are very separate. They may make exceptions and agree that in many cases they are very connected, or they may deny it. GeneralFreedom attempts to be realistic and sees that freedom in price and freedom in speech are something to practise, instead of trying to separate the two. People may get very uptight about GeneralFreedom.. because one thing they think about is their employment or their income. This can cause arguments, because they still want to deny that cost is an issue with freedom, in order for them to make a living. An example would be someone that mixes non-free hardware with free-software and considers this fine. Or someone who mixes free software with non-free consulting and considers this fine. General freedom combines all freedoms with the aim to be major free. GeneralFreedom may change names at some point, to something else. Something like "BothCostAndSpeechFreedomHeavilyMatter", or "NotJustFocusingOnFreeSpeech" is too long.