Good Quotes from various areas of WikiWiki. ---- From YouArentGonnaNeedIt: : Some times call for "good dog", other times call for whacking the programmer on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper. -- RonJeffries From WhatIsSimplest : We enjoy running our minds and doing cool things. Just cut it out. -- RonJeffries ---- From WikiEssence and TooBigToEdit. : "Unless, of course, there are better solutions. Anyone have one?" -- MichaelHill" ''I like this one because it seems to capture the attitude of this wiki.'' ---- From DiscussingVsProselytizing : Discussing religion is easy provided you are open to the possibility that you are wrong. -- SunirShah ''Can't remember the source but on a related note...'' : God is holy and I am a sinner. Perhaps my worst sin is that I don't perceive this as a problem. -- PeterMerel ---- From WikiFuture: : Etiquette has an established history of not scaling. ---- From ExtremeAdaExperiment: : "Machines increase the number of things we do without thinking," which is always a mixed blessing. -- DaveHarris quoting someone else ---- : Concentrate on the doughnut, not the hole. -- GarethReeves ---- See also: QuotePage, CategoryQuote