OpenSource has allowed us to build the largest and most sophisticated parts of our industrial infrastructure. It's built them better and more reliable than any government or corporation could possibly have done. Now we face problems on a global scale that governments and corporations are not addressing - and will not address until we are all quite horribly destroyed by them. We call them collectively TheBottleneck. The first and most important GrandOpenSourceProject we must undertake - or die - is to PutTheCarbonBack. There are other ones we might attempt after that. But this is the big one - sink or swim time for the whole human race. So stop hacking up the latest greatest WikiClone, or whatever it is you're doing with your spare mental horsepower right now, and get with it. GOSP or die. --PeterMerel ---- I'm on it. See HackerSpaces, PermaCulture and the PangaiaProject. ---- CategoryGosp CategoryWikiSavesTheWorld CategoryOpenSource