'Inserting a timestamp: ' (defun my-insert-timeofday () "function to insert time of day at point . format: D''''''ayOfWeek, Date Month Year 24hrTime" (interactive) (let (localstring mytime) (setq localstring (current-time-string)) ; example: Mon, 17 Jun 96 12:52 (setq mytime (concat (substring localstring 0 3) ;day-of-week ", " (substring localstring 8 10) ;day number " " (substring localstring 4 7) ;month " " (substring localstring 22 24 ) ;2-digit year " " (substring localstring 11 16 ) ;24-hr time "\n" )) (insert mytime)) ) (global-set-key "\C-ct" 'my-insert-timeofday) ---- A more concise version: (defun my-insert-timeofday () (interactive "*") (insert (format-time-string "%a, %d %b %y %H:%M\n"))) ---- ''or just:'' Bind '''control-u meta-! date''' to '''\C-ct''' like this: (global-set-key [(control c) ?t] (function (lambda () (interactive) (shell-command "date" 0)))) 'Help for confused vi users' (setq wq "You're not using vi!") 'What file was I editing anyway?' (define-key global-map "\C-c\C-sf" '(lambda () (interactive nil) (message "%s" (buffer-file-name)))) ---- See also EmacsWiki, which seems to be made for stuff like this. ''Also http://github.com/trending?l=emacs-lisp'' ---- CategoryEmacs