Bob & Doug McKenzie. ''Koo roo koo koo koo koo koo koo'' We can't call it ''Canadian Corner'' for legal reasons, unless we spell it with a ''k''. He got into, like, the ales, eh, before the show. Economics is what do you do, like, when you've got so many empties that they won't fit... in the van. I remember your last topic "soakers" which wasn't too hot. Six times twenty-four that's ... 104 beers you get, just for that. I got you a present... ''smokes!'' And of course the song: On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me beer On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me Two turtle necks And a beer On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me Three French toast Two turtle necks And a beer ... Five golden touques Four pounds of back bacon Three French toast Two turtle necks And a beer... in a tree I need another beer after that.