GreggWonderly went to college at OklahomaStateUniversity. Got a masters in CS with OperatingSystems and ProgrammingLanguage''''''s as his emphasis. He currently works for Cyte Technologies Inc.,, located in Tulsa Oklahoma. Cyte Technologies Inc. builds DataGathering software systems using some core technologies based on Java and XML.

Gregg used to work at Lucent Technologies Inc.,, where he had some associations with JimCoplien through various work projects. While at Lucent, he worked on developing and deploying PatternsRelatedToFailureRecovery of complex procedures in fault tolerant systems.

From 1997 to now (2007), I have been a JavaOnly programmer. I have seen the light, and  really will never look back ( The JavaPlatform provides a very powerful solution space. I know that many CeePlusPlus programmers are just nuts over Java's lack of many C++ features (see JavaVsCpp) and I can only suggest that these developers are perhaps focused on a DifferentModeOfSolution, that is likely not going to allow them to appreciate Java.

EmbeddedJavaSystems are finally becoming a reality with the awesome power of the aJile ( aJ100 microcontroller. This devices executes bytecodes directly, and can do thread context switches in a single instruction time that is less than 1 micro second (around 800 nanoseconds)!