WOW!! This place is really neat!

Much more interesting than my domain

I found Wiki while looking for stuff on Extreme Programming (

Welcome Gregor, check out NewUserPages! (thanks)

Wiki Ideas (pages I might want to create or read)

Trust on the Internet and the role of Trusted Intermediary.

Examples of Trusted Intermediary (PayPal, c2it).
   - banks act as Trusted Intermediaries in pre-Internet

EBay (feedback function, proxy bidding function).
   - are there more general examples of eReputation?

I've been using PGP for 10 years now and conduct thousands of
dollars in business on the Internet but I have yet to find
the 'Web of Trust'. Crypto-authentication is just a building block.

HTML/XML allows more_better_faster exchange of data and
information, but they also are just building blocks.

Other things I am interested in:
Decision / design management tools.
I feel like large organization are now managing schedule, release dependencies in a very sophisticated way, and there is a good culture and tools around how and why we do this. Some organization are getting good at managing requirements (requirements traceability etc). Not many orgs manage design decisions very well. I have not seen good tools to support decision traceability (design / architecture support, implications etc).
