In my grand mental quest to find the best way to have a ProgrammingLanguageNeutralGui, I've been kicking around the idea of a "GUI machine language" (or perhaps CLR for GUI's). It would not be "machine language" like we know it from x86 etc., but rather a tabular list with just 4 columns: formID, widgetID, attribute, value Actually an ordering is assumed such that if you were representing it in a table, a sequence-number column of some kind would also be included. Also, perhaps every row should have a sequential number per login session, such that the first command would have a sequence of 1, the 2nd "2", etc. This can serve as a kind of internal verification mechanism, similar to parity-checking. The lists sent to a server would also have a tracking number. The number is somewhat comparable to the byte offset address shown in many assembler-language listings. However, our examples will only have it implied based on the order presented. Here's an example based on HTML-like pseudo-code.
// define a window // embedded form