HigherPrinciplesDiscussion is created as a discussion page on '''Wiki''''''HigherPrinciples'''. After enduring seemingly endless wars even since I came to Wiki, and seeing valued WikiZens left in disgust (very strong word but it communicates the feeling of the ones that left), I felt there is a need to look BeyondWarAndCasualties. And perhaps quite timely as well. LarrySanger has just published his memoirs, and revealed a side of WikiPedia I was never aware as a user. Instead before I became active here I was not aware of the difficulties facing the most valuable RegularContributors here. '''0th Draft Wiki HigherPrinciples - Apr05''' Meaning all else being equal, the following considerations carry more weight In descending order of importance * WikiPeace * MakeRoomForAllViewpoints * EgolessWiki * CommunityProcess * WelcomeToWikiPleaseBePolite * LetEveryWordTell (I will explain my reasoning and exercise the right to change my mind as usual). ''WorkInProgress. Just like life itself.'' * quote from HigherPrinciples ---- ''Your input.. pls identify yourself in case many people started to comment''