GoogleSideWiki is not a Wiki built according to the WikiPrinciples, but with a bit effort it could be. As GoogleSideWiki allows some HTML in its comment fields, each Wiki with a simple enough HTML representation could act as host-engines for wikified GoogleSideWiki comments. Currently I don't know any Wiki that qualifies. However in WardsWiki there are probably enough programmers and other WikiCitizens, who could point to a WikiEngine that might qualify. To test, that WardsWiki is not "simple" enough, let's take the source view of this page and copy it into a GoogleSideWiki comment field and voilà, you get a "broken" links representation: -- Fridemar '''Please leave a link to your Wiki that (might) qualify as a host Wiki.''' * .. * .. ---- ''The problem is not that WardsWiki is not simple enough, the problem is that this side-Wiki thing, does not render HTML addresses automatically for WardsWiki. One must copy and paste the entire address for links that are outside of this side-Wiki thing. Example: "", instead of "HostWikiForGoogleSideWiki". This is true of any Wiki, any links to the outside must be complete/entire links. Links within this side-Wiki have a base URL of "http://wiki/?" and links within WardsWiki have a base URL of "", so it is easy to see that anytime one is working within either of these Wikis, the entire URL must be used for anything that is outside that particular Wiki.'' : By "simple enough" I meant, that the host WikiEngine in this special case should produce the direct HTML code 'WardsWiki' instead of 'WardsWiki' View the source of this page to verify it yourself! It's a simple patch in the script to make (any clone of) WardsWiki engine appropriate as a host wiki for GoogleSideWiki. So I ask again to list GoogleSideWiki compliant "simple enough" WikiEngines on this page. Thank you. -- FridemarPache ''I guess we have great differences of opinion as to what is considered "simple" in the world of HTML, root folders, and domains. What you describe would be more difficult, not simpler. What I don't get, is why would you want to put someone else’s Wiki inside another Wiki? Makes no sense to me, as they are two separate websites, with two separate ideas/purposes. Maybe simple frames would suit your purposes better?'' My answer to your last contribution was put to GoogleSideWiki, due to a server problem : -- FridemarPache [Not a server problem, but simply an invocation of the crude concurrent-edit conflict resolution mechanism used here. I was editing a comment above at the same time. Please post here; trying to sustain a discussion over multiple wikis and wiki-like feedback mechanisms (i.e., GoogleSideWiki) is awkward at best, and I've no intention of installing Google's toolbar which appears to be required to edit in GoogleSideWiki.] Thank you for the explanation. However there might be a lot of other shortcomings, that can be conveniently worked around with a UniversalEmbeddingWiki. Here is my reimport: Of course you are right, from a local view, because relative addressing is simpler for the user than absolute addressing. However from the global Google view of (the current) SideWiki implementation, there is the need for absolute addressing on the part of the imbedded wikis. To your question why "Why putting someone else's Wiki into another Wiki", here are some arguments: * The embedding wiki (in this case GoogleSideWiki) gets complemented by the features of the various local HostWikis (in this case GoogleSideWikiHostWikis) ''(currently GoogleSideWiki lacks even the most elementary Wiki features as AutoLinking)'' * A UniversalEmbeddingWiki (such as e.g. GoogleSideWiki) allows user-driven InterfacingOfWikis on a global level. It goes without saying, that a UniversalEmbeddingWiki would be much friendlier to wikizens if it supported WikiPrefixes. -- FridemarPache [As I understand it, GoogleSideWiki is simply a somewhat WikiWay to post, edit and share additional public (meta-)commentary about arbitrary Web pages. The host, as it were, is Google itself. I'm still not clear what purpose a GoogleSideWiki host Wiki would serve. What do I gain from a UniversalEmbeddingWiki that "allows user-driven InterfacingOfWikis on a global level"? I think you're imagining something considerably more expansive than GoogleSideWiki was intended to be, but I'm not clear what that is.] Maybe that the Google team is aware of the theory of a GlobalBrain, evolving as a system in MetaTransition. KaPingYee, the inventor of the first Web wide annotation system, is meanwhile employee at Google. From our earlier discussion here, he may know You might also look at the TwinPage at Meatball: Perhaps I find some shorter links into PrincipiaCybernetica to illustrate the point. -- FridemarPache [Alas, this is all a bit too intellectual, philosophical, speculative and vaguely transhumanist for a mere programmer like me. I look at GoogleSideWiki and see a kinda cute Wiki-inspired Web-wide annotation system; you see the seeds of a GlobalBrain. That's cool, but it leaves me behind on the launch pad.] Hey, hey "mere programmer", humbleness of the true master, that's the best thing that could happen to this page :-) So what about writing a GreaseMonkey, AutoHotkey, TextPander, Groovy or any other Script, that produces the following: 1. Select and cut the whole text in the edit field of SideWiki 2. Globally replace all CamelCase words in the clipboard by their html form for Google search, replace e.g. ''CamelCase'' by ''CamelCase'' 3. Insert the result in the empty edit field. Of course you could refine the program by asking for a WikiPrefix, that in the case of GoogleSideWiki would take the role of If empty take as default the Google prefix. In any Grep capable editor we can use, something like: Replace all (\b([A-Z]([a-z]|[0-9?])*){2,}\b) by \1 -- Fridemar Pache ''Blaaahhk... seems to put a bad taste in my mouth, and appears pointless and useless to me.'' Why do you feel uncomfortable, please give us a hint, so that we can understand you better. You say "pointless and useless"; that however depends on what you are currently doing. -- fp ---- Side Wiki reference page for readers without the GoogleBar: ---- CategoryWikiImplementation