I'm thinking about ProgrammingInWiki, which would use a Wiki as a shared development environment. 

The ideal use for a ScriptingLanguage in such a wiki would be to let programmers set up BoilerPlate / skeletons / wizards which could be used for code generation by other members of the team. 

''Have you seen HyperPerl/WikiInHyperPerl and ReflectiveWiki?'' 

Yes, but these are about programmingWiki, not programming using Wiki. The key words used by the originator seem to be "SharedDevelopmentEnvironment" which is an exceptionally good idea whose implementation deserves consideration.

''Missed that bit, yes.  I'm suddenly thinking WriteInLisp, because it seems appropriate (from the very little I've learned about it so far).  Not very wiki though.'' 


I don't have a lot of first-hand experience with it (yet), but wouldn't RebolLanguage be useful in a ProgrammedWiki environment?  It allows the delivery of directly executable content.  The only requirement for participants would be to install the REBOL environment on their local box (versions for just about *.OS) ... I've toyed with the idea myself, but I'm not far enough along with RebolLanguage for that exercise.

The scripts are very compact, and much can be done in little space.