''BrokenLink''''s within a wiki page subtracts value from that page '' DoingStuff.DonaldNoyes.20140908 ---- This is a project which will RaiseTheWikiPagePotential of pages in a wiki containing BrokenLink''''''s. [See Note 1.] How might this be done, not just as a singular effort, but as a continuing effort, perhaps automated and running periodically (once a week or month?) * proposals and suggestions: ** one: that a file be created by scanning wiki pages for any external links as a source for a program running to check them ** two: that files changed be scanned to determine any new, added external links, and then add them to a file formatted as in suggestion one ---- '''Notes:''' 1. A question arises: does removing the broken link reduce the page's value? ---- CategoryWiki, CategoryWikiMaintenance