"Identify the Champion" is a small PatternLanguage by OscarNierstrasz intended to give direction in the task of running a program committee. ---- '''Problem''' How should you design the review process so that the PC meeting will succeed in selecting the best papers? ---- '''Solution''' Make the paper review and selection process for a scientific conference more efficient by focusing programme committee members' attention on whether or not they will "champion" a submitted paper during the program committee meeting. Be sure to distribute the papers to program committe members who are likely to champion them. * Organize ** the review forms ** the ranking and sorting of reviews ** detection of conflicts ** the review meeting itself around the identification of champions * Use rating schemes * with explicit operational meaning ** such as, "I will champion this paper" * rather than implicit, subjective meaning ** such as "strong accept", or "better than average", or "5" * Group papers ** around presence or absence of champions and detractors ** rather than ranking them by weighted scores * Drive all discussions and decisions toward IdentifyTheChampion ---- The full text is available in PDF or HTML: * http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~oscar/Champion/ ---- The individual patterns discussed are: * ExpertsReviewPapers * ChampionsReviewPapers * Make ChampionsExplicit * IdentifyTheConflicts * IdentifyMissingChampions * ChampionsSpeakFirst * ConsensusOnPCPapers ---- Related Patterns: * OopslaProgramChairPatterns * PaperChampion * SortedPaperList * AssigningPapersToReviewers ---- CategoryPattern