'''Welcome to the IndySoap''' IndySoap is a sub project of IndyProject and is a Open Source Library for implementing Web services using Borland Pascal Compilers. IndySoap isn't tied to InternetDirect (Indy) for transport services, though Indy based transport services are included. '''Feature List''' * RPC and Doc|Lit support * Soap using Interfaces * WSDL generation * WSDL importer * Extensively DUnit tested * many other things '''License''' IndySoap is released under the same license as Indy itself. See the Indy Licence page for further information '''Developers''' ''Grahame Grieve'' ''Andrew Cumming'' 'Kudzu'' More Info: http://www.indyproject.org/SOAP/ http://www.indyproject.org/gfx/IndyLogoSmall.gif