This is a page on InformationSystemArchitecture as MartinFowler had envisioned it around the turn of the century, portions of this framework has previously been interpreted and discussed on this site (e.g. FacadeAtTheDistributionBoundary). As a late comer to DistributedComputing, I am revisiting these pioneering work to understand the extent they can be useful for implementing new applications. The new EnterpriseApplication''''''s of course will also have to met the expectations of compliance with the NextBigThing in IT, and at the moment (2004) it is ServiceOrientedArchitecture. ---- ''Has anyone come across material that map MartinFowler work on InformationSystemArchitecture to technologies available in the MicrosoftDotNet arena?'' * It appeared from the heading of the now archived InformationSystemArchitecture page material there were aligned with the JavaPlatform. I do not know whether the book PatternsOfEnterpriseApplicationArchitecture has specific mapping to DotNet * The book PatternsOfEnterpriseApplicationArchitecture is not aligned specifically to either JavaPlatform or DotNet. "This book is not intended to be specific for any particular software platform." However, the examples are all Java or C# for maximum audience readability. ---- See also EnterpriseArchitecture CategoryArchitecture