InstantChanges discussed here is about Renaming RecentChanges. See the sister site entry at the bottom for a different use of the topic. We used to call these Homonyms. But I am creating one since no-one cares about DataManagement anymore. :( ---- I propose to request the redirect of the script that generates RecentChanges (prior to Apr05) to this page. And the ''old'' RecentChanges page to host links to '''ChangesToWeekX''''''x''' pages. And we keep quiet about the page called InstantChanges. See also RecentlyChanged ''If you want a list of "ChangesInWeek*" pages, see the ChangesInWeek page. Please feel free to use it as much as you want. ;->'' ---- This is proposed to hope to modify the behavior of new wiki users. Existing RecentChangesJunkies have the same fate as the contents of the '''HopeForTheFuture''' page that I hijacked in 2004. ---- CategoryRant