Just what form of governance should occur on the InterNet ? The extremes are total chaos whereby the noise detracts from its use to tightly regulated to the point of no signal. While each country tries to pass laws and controls that are somewhere (hopefully) between these extremes there are of course nationalistic issues that cause marked differences in how the net is treated resulting only in more problems, thus the need for a representation of the nets population to form a consultative body to direct any regulation and governance issues. Perhaps some AtLarge members of ICANN could expound upon the patterns and styles of procedures that would ensure cooperation between networks in a meaningful way both within and across borders. Things to expound. * DomainDisputes * ccTLD and gTLD (TopLevelDomains) * NetDemocraticRepresentation * AlternativeToDomains * ItWouldBeNiceIf * CivilLiberties * NetBillOfRights Places for additional region specific ranting * AfricanCouncil * AsiaPacificCouncil * EuropeanCouncil * LatinAmericaCaribbeanCouncil * NorthAmericanCouncil Perhaps even a WorldCouncil ? ---- '''Some Links of interest''' http://www.PetitionOnline.com/antiwls/petition.html http://www.icannatlarge.com http://www.youcann.org/ http://www.open-rsc.org/ http://www.xns.org/ http://www.opennic.unrated.net/ http://www.flywheel.com/ircw/overview.html http://www.icannnot.org/about.html http://www.bodacious-tatas.org http://www.icann.org http://www.idno.org http://www.civilsocietyinternetforum.org http://www.efa.org.au/ http://www.fitug.de/icann-europe/ http://www.icannwatch.org/archives/how2fixicann.htm http://icanncandidates.com http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/icann/yokohama/archive/ http://www.unesco.org/webworld/points_of_views/queau_9.shtml http://arbiter.wipo.int/ http://www.centr.org/ http://www.iana.org/ http://www.ietf.org/ http://www.istf.org/ http://www.iab.org/ http://www.isoc.org/ http://www.dnso.org/ StoneSociety ----