With VisualStudioWhidbey, DotNet meets up with GenericProgramming. I do not know whether there are much need for generics in EnterpriseComputing. I suspect not. OTOH I may need to learn Generics at short notice. Hence this page. ---- '''May have to learn Templates if ComInterOp (tool is ManagedCeePlusPlus) needs arise sooner than OO setup that require Generics.'''. WikiPedia lumps these together (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_programming). ---- '''Other Generics related stuff on C2''' GenericsVsSubtyping, GenericDataModel, GenericInterface, GenericType, GenericFunctionObject ---- ''Resources related to Generics'' * Comparing .NET Generics and C++ Templates at http://www.developer.com/net/cplus/print.php/10919_3367531_1 ----