Suggested sources for learning Haskell: * RealWorldHaskell - an online beta of the O'Reilly book, free to read and free to add comments ** Also available as a physical book as well. * VitalHaskell - a very cool multimedia Haskell running over a jvm. * HappsFramework - a web app construction kit entirely in Haskell. ** ''If you can program anything in HappS you actually already learned Haskell.'' * is a nice online reference * Once you start working with the language you'll need to learn DarcsRevisionControl and HackageHoogleCabal * LearnYouaHaskellForGreatGood is a brilliant introduction to Haskell for total newbies. * And for more there is the great Haskell Wikibook. What else? See HaskellLanguage ---- CategoryHaskell