'''Introduction to TCL/TK''' TCL is the abbreviation for ToolCommandLanguage. ---> An excellent intro on the TCL/TK language can be found at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tcl --> See TclTk The WikiT site is really the official TCL/TK site. It has all the references you need, all the help, a private chat etc. http://wiki.tcl.tk/ ---- '''Printed Books''' * See http://wiki.tcl.tk/references/57 for a complete list of books on TCL/TK. ---- '''Downloadable courses''' * This is a downloadable course written by JohnOusterhout, the founder of TCL/TK ftp://ftp.scriptics.com/pub/tcl/doc/tut.tar.Z (Link not working). ---- '''Online courses''' ---- '''Internet TCL/TK help groups''' * A very vibrant and helpful community can be found at WiKit. See: http://wiki.tcl.tk/ * http://groups.google.com/groups?group=comp.lang.tcl. This is an excellent help group where you can ask any question on Tcl/Tk programming. ---- For other programming languages in the same series, see: IwannaLearn ---- CategoryProgrammingLanguage CategoryTcl