JAMWiki is an LGPL WikiEngine written in JavaLanguage. The project began as a fork of VeryQuickWiki, with a goal of producing a Java-based wiki offering feature-parity with MediaWiki. The project home page, which runs on the JAMWiki software, is at http://jamwiki.org/. Downloads are available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/jamwiki/. The project currently offers the following features: * Quick setup. An installation can be done in as little as five minutes. * The ability to run with or without an external database. For sites that do not have an external database available then an embedded version of HSQL is automatically installed and configured as the default database. * Implementation of the majority of the Mediawiki syntax set, including templates. * Recent changes, diffs, history, "what links here", preview, and most of the other basic Mediawiki functionality. * Support for user accounts, including the ability to integrate with LDAP. * An architecture that allows for the creation of custom syntax parsers. Users who want to write their own wiki parser can use it with JAMWiki simply by changing a configuration setting. * Support for file uploads, on-the-fly image resizing, etc. * Security features including the ability to mark topics admin-only, the ability to whitelist/blacklist file upload types, and integration with the Acegi security framework.