''This is the Wiki home page for JamesPoupard''

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	*In my CV I say 'Enjoys bringing simplicity and elegance to complex problems using strong OO skills and framework writing experience maximising productivity and software re-use.'
	*In reality (as most good developers should know), we spend more of our time trying to improve things that aren't quite perfect than we do churning out perfection every second of the day. ReFactoring and refinement is part of everything we do as Software Engineers.
	*I have been developing Object-Oriented Software mostly with C++ since 1993 after I graduated from Exeter University (England) with a degree in Computer Science.
	*Historically  have seen most AntiPattern''''''s in evidence, but new ones include SoftwareProductionLine and EmperorsNewClothes.
	*I have been working as a OO and C++ trainer, coach, mentor and process consultant as well as doing the rest of my job, which is leading a team in a major PC software development using UML, C++, Visual Basic, COM and ATL.
	*Main skills: Object-Oriented Thinking, Analysis and Design, C++, UML, Visual Basic, leading, training, coaching and putting the world to rights.
	*Over the years I have witnessed a slight maturity in the development process in that time, but there has been more hype than true substance. 
	*There is no substitute for thinking intelligently or sensibly about a problem, i.e. there is no such thing as a perfect or an IdiotProofProcess.
'''Design Patterns'''
	*DesignPatterns are a pretty tidy way of comunicating ideas between highly experienced Object-Oriented Software Developers.
	*But in the wrong hands they can do more harm than good - Inexperienced OO developers can pick a pattern and will fanatically apply it to any situation (aka GoldenHammer).
'''Anti Patterns'''
	*AntiPattern''''''s are a very useful tool in putting a label to things that most good Developers or Managers instinctively know but can't fully explain.
	*Discussion of Anti Patterns has given me hope that one day we might collectively get better!
	*AntiPattern''''''s not only cover Software Engineering, but recurring problems or negative situations occur in every part of life - whether socially or at work in any field. All these have root causes, motivations and sometimes solutions and are all worth discussion. See my section on PersonalityAntiPatterns (PAPs) for further discussion.
	*I have an opinion on most things Software, but am generally open minded if people are being sensible, realistic, aren't trying bend the laws of Physics or Space/Time and are generally exhibiting some form of intelligent behaviour.

	*This website is for professional discussion relating to Software Engineering.
	*Discussion should cover the Software Development Process and AntiPattern''''''s.
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James, I changed Anti''''''Patterns to AntiPattern''''''s.