I have been programming computers since 1979. For many years I worked for WilTelCommunications, based in TulsaOklahoma. My recent large projects have primarily used the JavaLanguage. For the last year I have been contracting for AllianceDataSystems, primary using PerlLanguage and StructuredQueryLanguage. I am currently seeking a new opportunity. There is some limited information about me at http://sourceforge.net/users/jamesstansell/. I am especially interested in projects that combine ExtremeProgramming and OpenSource. If you know of a project like that then please contact me. For a JDBC driver for MS Access (MDB) files, http://sf.net/projects/mdbtools may meet your needs. Check it out of CVS, or contact me if you like. There is still room for much improvement, so your contributions are welcome and invited. ---- WikiMailBox: ---- Todo: See http://www.exubero.com/ccintro/ccintro-s5.html for a very interesting presentation presentation. ---- RecentChanges, ExtremeProgrammingRoadmap, JobSearching, XpPositionWanted, XpHelpWanted ---- CategoryHomePage