English ScienceFiction author from Manchester. Best known work is his first (the curse of all authors), ''Vurt'' from 1993. Jeff's writing stands out because he not only experiments with content (like a lot of SciFiAuthors do); he also experiments with form, without making it irritating or obscuring the content. Examples of this can be found in ''Pixel Juice'' (1998), where several stories segue into the next one, like one would find in music, and where some stories are remixed as poems; and in ''Needle in the Groove'' (2000), which is written as if it were song lyrics. * ''Vurt'' [ISBN 0330338811] * ''Pollen'' [ISBN 033033882X] * ''Automated Alice'' [ISBN 0552144789] * ''Nymphomation'' [ISBN 0552999067] * ''Pixel Juice'' (short stories) [ISBN 0552999377] * ''Needle in the Groove'' [ISBN 0552999199] * ''Cobralingus'' [ISBN 1899598162] * ''Falling out of Cars'' [ISBN 0552999709] * Website at http://www.jeffnoon.com/ * Fansite at http://www.noonworld.co.uk/ ---- CategoryScienceFiction CategoryAuthor