I am a programmer who owns and develops a fantasy football site called XpertSports. Fantasy football is a game that allows usually 8-16 teams within a league to draft current NFL players, and use their statistics during the season combined with some scoring criteria to score and track games. Often considered to be the most addictive game this side of MMORPG. I work way too many hours, and am constantly warned of pending BurnOut, but it never comes. I love what I do. ''Welcome, Jeremy. -- HelmutLeitner'' ---- Some Favorite Topics: * CriticsAreYourBestFriends * RefactorMercilessly * MentalStateCalledFlow * TestingPatterns * ContinuousIntegrationRelentlessTesting * FourQuadrants * AjaxWebApplications Some Favorite and Upcoming Favorite Languages: * PhpLanguage * ErlangLanguage * RubyLanguage ---- Someone asked me to comment on my experiences with XP, and I have to say that I've become discouraged by the tools available for a non OOP language like PHP. Unit testing seems to be the basis of XP, and that has been the hardest hurdle for me to overcome. I do tend to RefactorMercilessly, occasionally at the expense of my customers as they deal with more code flux than you would find on the average site. But I continue with it, feeling like getting the bitter out of the way now will lead to a more pleasant and nimble future. ---- I'm also crossing my fingers that my IP block's ability to edit pages doesn't get taken away again. ---- CategoryHomePage