* WikiWiki lurker (even on a saturday!) * ObjectOrientedProgramming connoisseur * Find out more (sometime, at least, at http://www.brodwall.com/johannes/) I have been looking at Wiki for a long time now. I feel it is an excellent way of doing GroupWare (sure beats the heck out of LotusNotes!). I wonder if anyone is making an OfflineWiki. That would be useful as a ProgrammersNotebook (for those of us who believe that paper is overrated). ''I wonder if anyone is making an OfflineWiki'' - There are several listed at http://wiki.tcl.tk/3747 (Personal Wikis page at the Tcler's Wiki). -- BrianTheado '' Also check out EddiesWiki. for Win32 only though. Links to other offline type wiki's -- GavinVanLelyveld'' My PatronPatterns are: * LowCoupling * Intentionality over mechanics * DontRepeatYourself * ExpertPattern (HighCohesion between logic and data) ---- * CategoryHomePage