''So, John, are you going to tell us about yourself?'' Erm, I code for a living in Cambridge, UK. After I found Wiki, I've been feeling better every day. Currently, I am working for the Appropriate Software Foundation, which is trying to strengthen software development capability within civil society. * mailto:john.bywater@appropriatesoftware.net * AppropriateCivilSocietyWiki * http://appropriatesoftware.net/ ---- ''Have you seen NewUserPages yet?'' Hi Mark (is this MarkDilley?). Yes, thanks. Would you like me to reflect on anything in particular? (I've been lurking and minor error correcting for a while. Installed wiki at [old] work too a while ago and it has become part of nature there; asked everybody to read the NewUserPages... ;) p.s. Also dead interested in the open source union work you link, I've been following up same thing from international development angle. ''Hi John, yep it is me, MarkDilley. I was just starting to add have-you-seen-NewUserPages" to people that I thought were new, just to give some direction. As for the OpenSourceUnionism OpenSourceUnion stuff, would love to start discussing it! Best, Mark http://markdilley.2ya.com for my wiki home.'' ---- CategoryHomePage