Programmer, websurfer, cyclist. I once had three rules for living: 1. Drink a beer every day, 2. Ride a bike every day, 3. Never watch television. I up with 1 pretty well, 2 is catch-as-catch-can, and 3 is hopeless. Got started in the programming game writing a FORTRAN prime-number generator for an IBM 7094 (ReallyOldIron !). These days it's keeping PC, server, and mainframe in synch, WorkingOnTheRailRoad. ----------------------- I know a John Roper in Topeka, KS who works for BNSF. Are you that John Roper? (from David Hurt, Ft Worth, TX) ------- Unmasked at last. And it only took a day. -- JCR ---- CategoryHomePage