I am : * Programmer working for http://www.drw.com * Living in Chicago * BA in Mathematics at Washington University in St. Louis; MA in Mathematics, and unfinished PhD in Mathematics at University of Chicago. * Competitive cyclist; former avid Go player and amateur singer * Colleague of LyleHayhurst I am interested in: * Computational finance techniques * Judicious use of DesignPatterns * Software engineering and AgileProcesses * Advanced C++ techniques (I am a devoted fan of BoostLibraries) * ConfigurationManagement, including the AccuRev SCM Product * JavaLanguage and EclipseIde * Never giving up EmacsEditor (at least not completely, because EmacsHasQwan) * Wikis ( we use the excellent TWiki at QRM; available from http://www.twiki.org ) Stuff I've contributed: * NukeTheSiteFromOrbit * AccuRev ''Welcome.'' ---- CategoryHomePage